Saturday, October 19, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 9 : Stuck to the Bed

I got stuck to the bed last night. The velcro from the leg brace! Urgh. I finally wrapped the brace in a towel and it was somewhat more comfortable and I no longer stuck to the sheets.

So I'm down to 2-3 Tylenol and 1 aspirin a day. Mainly the knee and calf starts to throb mid-day, subsides then returns at night.  

Exercises continuing. I think I've got the leg bending to 70-80ish now. We'll see on Monday.  It's weird not to really have control of your knee. Right now I feel like it's this alien attached to me and I have limited control. The idea of walking without the brace is a little scary--I want it to happen but I have a reinjury fear.

I also want to find out how to strengthen both legs to protect the knees in the future.

Am going stir crazy in the house--I want to accompany Keith and the girls to soccer, etc. but it's a pain to have to sit with my straight leg in the car and, even with something to put my leg on, I get tired after about 1/2 hour of chair sitting--the knee starts to give me pain. Thank God I don't have to go to work and be at a desk all day. I'm lucky in that I can fully focus on PT and doing whatever Mom stuff I can do from the house.

I miss my car. I miss the Y. I miss watching the girls at soccer. I miss my Starbucks spot!

But, I do feel good overall. Progress is being made, I've seen firsthand what amazing friends I have who have jumped in to help, and of course I've seen what I already knew--what a terrific family I have. The girls and Keith are amazing!

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