Sunday, October 27, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Days 14-16

So I'm continuing to progress but of course wish it were faster! On Friday, my physical therapist, Jodi, had me walk around with the brace up to 30 degrees as opposed to locked. She had me walk with a crutch although I feel I could do it without. Also, I got to "ride" the bike. She had me rotate it 3/4 of the way and then back--not a full rotation but felt awesome to be doing something "active." That was for 7 minutes.

Friday night I ventured out to watch Hope at gymnastics and eat at our favorite Pho spot. Since I can unlock the brace to bend my knee for sitting, eating out was feasible.

My other "big" news is I can now take a bath. Ah. Luxury. And I can get in/out on my own. I still have to get in with the brace, then take it off, let the water in, and the, when done, drain the water, put brace on and get out. A pain, but I can do it on my own. 

Today I'm on my own. The girls and Keith are off to a soccer game that is 2 1/2 hours away--too far for me to sit right now.

Off to do my exercises. 

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