Thursday, October 17, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 7

Well, getting a shower yesterday was an endeavor, but it's done and I'm clean. I have to, according to my doctor, get in the shower, then take off brace and dressing, shower, pat the incisions dry, then reapply bandage and brace, then get out. He suggested a shower chair. Keith drove to 4 different stores today to find something appropriate in addition to work, kids and home duty. But we did it!

Better sleeping in brace but still not totally comfortable. My leg was sorer also. When I get up off the bed or couch, my calf and hamstring immediately ache and blood rushes to the foot. Eventually it feels better but takes a few moments.

First PT today! My physical therapist is Jodi. She started with measurements. Total extension (straight leg!) and a measly 54 degrees flexion (bend of knee.) Not a surprise as I've been in a splint and brace and not allowed to do flex exercises. She said my goals in the next 7 to 10 days:

1. 90 degree flex
2. weight bearing totally on leg
3. ditch crutches.

In addition to the exercises I'd been doing she massaged then showed me how to massage my incision areas to reduce scar tissue. She had me doing heel slides with a towel. She added lying on my stomach in addition to both sides and back for doing straight leg. That was much harder than the normal raises! We did all that. Additionally my print out shows a few more exercises. I am supposed to do all of them twice a day, about 20 reps each. She gave me a bunch of stretches for my calf, which is good since it keeps hurting. I wonder if I can do more than twice a day? I don't want to overdue but also, I'm home here all day, so I'd be happy to do a little more.

Oh, also learned the doctor said my hamstring was "spindly!" He could only get 3 as opposed 4 strands to use in the ACL, but that still made the 8 mm width.

Icing in cryocuff now. I can sit up more now, but tend to lie and ice when not moving around as there is still some swelling.

Here is a  pic of my exercise list.

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