Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Week 5

Tomorrow is 5 weeks since surgery. I've managed to mostly walk with a normal gait with the brace. At PT, I asked if I could start leaving it off at some points so she let me during the whole therapy, which included the balance board, steps, balancing on one leg, treadmill and bike. It feels odd--kind of light and a like a rubber band is holding it--but could to do some work without it. At home, I only take off upstairs, where it is carpeted and not wooden floors. Up until Week 12, the hamstring graft is at it's most vulnerable and still needs protection.

I'm diligent on the exercises and see improvement. 128 degrees flex and full extension. It doesn't feel natural or easy to bend, but it's better.

I think I'm going to give myself approval to drive next week, at 6 weeks. I like my physical therapist but she seems uneasy giving the yes or no and would prefer the doctor does. However, I do not see him until 7 weeks and have a lot of activities coming up!

I'm trying to do a couple walks a day outside, but it was COLD today so both were only 1/2 mile.

I still ice it 3 times, at least, a day due to swelling after being up and around.

I've come to accept being home more and actually enjoy aspects of it, but will be happy to get out and about!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op - 4 Weeks Today

Much has happened the last week. The biggest news is that my brace is now unlocked at all times. My goal is to try to not walk like Frankenstein. I am walking with a limp but definitely getting more of a bend. I took two 30 min walks yesterday--slow, but I did it.

PT now consists of more active exercises--10 min on treadmill, 10 min on bike, balancing exercises, weights on ankles when doing side and front moves, squats, a weight machine, calf raises. So all that's good.

Still no driving approval. I have so much I would like to be doing and my kids are missing some activities due to this. My lovely friends and husband have covered so much for me, but now I want back in. But I will listen to my therapist. BTW, she gave me a Halloween bracelet today as I admired hers the other day.

Also, I am attempting to go up and down stairs correctly. And my home exercises now include bands to us.

As for pain, it comes at points, but nothing serious. Today, I felt some on the side of the knee and quad. The other thigh also is sore due to compensation!

That's the latest and greatest.

Friday, November 1, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Days 17 - 21

It's been awhile, but it feel like not many changes day to day, but I realize there actually have been a lot.

At my 3 PT sessions this week, I rode the bike 10 minutes each time and actually rode it--full rotations--with no problems. Zero resistance, but still.

Jodi also has me walk completely unlocked in between stations at PT.

I moved onto stairs at PT. While unlocked I go up and down concentrating on bending my knee. I still go one leg up at a time, but with bending.

I also moved onto the balance board which is a work out for me to keep balanced!

At home I can walk with it at 20 degrees and I concentrate on trying to bend the knee. I am up and about for longer periods also. I sat out for Halloween last night for over an hour with my knee bent. It got sore but great to be out.

And I've found that doing heel slides during the bath is helpful as my muscles are warm.

Still no driving, but my lovely husband got me to Starbucks this morning!

The girls and I on Halloween and my lovely husband Keith, AKA Cat in the Hat.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Days 14-16

So I'm continuing to progress but of course wish it were faster! On Friday, my physical therapist, Jodi, had me walk around with the brace up to 30 degrees as opposed to locked. She had me walk with a crutch although I feel I could do it without. Also, I got to "ride" the bike. She had me rotate it 3/4 of the way and then back--not a full rotation but felt awesome to be doing something "active." That was for 7 minutes.

Friday night I ventured out to watch Hope at gymnastics and eat at our favorite Pho spot. Since I can unlock the brace to bend my knee for sitting, eating out was feasible.

My other "big" news is I can now take a bath. Ah. Luxury. And I can get in/out on my own. I still have to get in with the brace, then take it off, let the water in, and the, when done, drain the water, put brace on and get out. A pain, but I can do it on my own. 

Today I'm on my own. The girls and Keith are off to a soccer game that is 2 1/2 hours away--too far for me to sit right now.

Off to do my exercises. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 13 : Sutures Out

Day 13 was a day of much activity as I got out of the house. First, there was an appointment with my surgeon. He didn't do much, just asked questions and said that I was a model patient because I'm motivated and follow all exercises. Being the teacher's pet that I am, that made me happy. Seriously though, he said all looked good and that he'd see me in 4 weeks. He expected me to be walking without crutches or brace by then--up to the physical therapist in when I can do things and others like drive. Still, for the next week he still want be locked at 0 except for sittings because he wants to protect the graft.

The sutures are out and that feels better. The skin doesn't look so bad--a little puckery.

He said the "bubble" I feel is scar tissue and I need to work it out. Fun.

Then off to physical therapy I went. A few new exercises--hip lifts to strengthen the calves, some inner thigh exercises. Leg lifts without the brace. And she said that on Friday we'd try the stationary bike and standing!!

So all is progressing, but the process can be draining. I stood outside yesterday to watch the girls play for awhile, then did some household chores, then my exercises and my knee got swollen. I know it's only been two weeks but sometimes it's hard to imagine being "normal" again.

Doing a quad flex. Notice my right leg has a bit of muscle flex now.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 11 and 12 : 108 degrees!

Yesterday was great at pt--I was able to achieve an 108 degree bend with my knee! Used the bands to help, but did it. And the therapist said to unlock the brace a few times a day while sitting to get my knee bent again.  PT was relatively easy--same exercises with a few more thrown in. My quads are getting stronger and the calves don't hurt as much. I'm hoping for some new challenges on Wed.  I do love that they warm my knee when I first get there. Feels great!

So today, day 12,  was like my other days. Do some chores around the house. Do my exercises. Ice. Repeat.

I can definitely bend further now, which is great. However, when I first start it's almost like there is a bubble in my knee preventing the bend. If I keep bending it subsides and is not there for the rest of the bends. Until I stop then come back to the bending later. Then the bubble is back. The physical therapist said it was because the muscle there is straight most of the day and then has to get back in use. Still, I'm going to ask my doctor tomorrow.

I'm not sure I should keep reading other ACL blogs. Actually, that's not true. Some are very positive--realistic about recovery time, but ultimately have had good results. Back in sports, albeit more carefully and prone to more soreness, and leading active lives. However, some are in a much more painful state even a year out having trouble with steps, walking, etc. I find all these worrisome.

But, I have to focus on the fact that without the surgery I'd have an unstable knee and either would have to lead an less active life or submit myself to more injuries and subsequent knee surgeries anyway.

It's getting a little lonely here during the day. A friend stopped by with lunch so that was lovely. Grace just came home and went before soccer. Love to have her hear, but unfortunately we ended up arguing about homework. Sigh. Homework wars are not fun! She's a bright girl and hard worker but has a limited focus time and when she's done, it's not pretty if there is more work to do!

Second post op tomorrow. Sutures coming out. They have been giving me some pain. Hoping all looks good to the doc!

Monday, October 21, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 10 - An Outing!

I'm writing this a day late because I was tired yesterday, but for a good reason! Finally, I got out! I ventured to Grace's soccer game. We had to take my car because I can use the entire middle seat for me and "The Knee." Grace and Keith are in the front and Hope is in the back row--quite the picture. Keith brought two chairs--one for me and one for the knee. I had a fabulous time watching the game--Grace played great even though they lost. Of course, I now worry that all of the girls are going to tear their ACLs!

Between that and my exercises (I think I got my knee to 90 degree--I hope-we'll see today at PT) I thought my knee would be throbbing, but it wasn't so bad. However, today it's a little sore--although that could be because I've spent on hour on my feet as Keith had to go to work early and I had to oversee the kids' morning before school. I haven't taken any meds today--trying to go to two Tylenol a day, at most.

As a note, showers are not easy. Getting into a shower, trying to sit on a floppy plastic chair that I'm afraid will give, trying to reach the shampoo, etc. in addition to actually cleaning all body parts is not relaxing. And having to get Keith to help before and after by taking then handing me the brace is a pain. I can't "just" shower. Ah well, at least I'm clean! A week ago I was still in the no shower stage.

Also, I've found some uses for my crutches. Pushing doors closed, getting clothes that fall between the washer and dryer, and pulling far away items to me.

Here I am on my adventure out:

And here I am with my knee bent to 90, or close!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 9 : Stuck to the Bed

I got stuck to the bed last night. The velcro from the leg brace! Urgh. I finally wrapped the brace in a towel and it was somewhat more comfortable and I no longer stuck to the sheets.

So I'm down to 2-3 Tylenol and 1 aspirin a day. Mainly the knee and calf starts to throb mid-day, subsides then returns at night.  

Exercises continuing. I think I've got the leg bending to 70-80ish now. We'll see on Monday.  It's weird not to really have control of your knee. Right now I feel like it's this alien attached to me and I have limited control. The idea of walking without the brace is a little scary--I want it to happen but I have a reinjury fear.

I also want to find out how to strengthen both legs to protect the knees in the future.

Am going stir crazy in the house--I want to accompany Keith and the girls to soccer, etc. but it's a pain to have to sit with my straight leg in the car and, even with something to put my leg on, I get tired after about 1/2 hour of chair sitting--the knee starts to give me pain. Thank God I don't have to go to work and be at a desk all day. I'm lucky in that I can fully focus on PT and doing whatever Mom stuff I can do from the house.

I miss my car. I miss the Y. I miss watching the girls at soccer. I miss my Starbucks spot!

But, I do feel good overall. Progress is being made, I've seen firsthand what amazing friends I have who have jumped in to help, and of course I've seen what I already knew--what a terrific family I have. The girls and Keith are amazing!

Friday, October 18, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 8...Happy Anniversary

So here it is my 16th anniversary and I'm home alone.  Okay, okay, this was planned. My oldest, Grace loves soccer and a month ago we promised to take her, Hope and two friends to the ODU women's soccer game tonight. Then, we would go out Saturday night for our anniversary. Well, the ACL tear changed the plans. I can't sit longer than a half hour in a chair without getting soar and that's with my leg straight on another chair. So no game for me. But we didn't want to disappoint Grace, so off Keith and the girls went.

I'm going stir crazy at home. I did my exercises twice, as directed, and each time it took about 40 minutes with my added abs and upper body. Other than that I did some chore stuff around the house and went up and downstairs twice. My big outing was to walk to the mailbox with Hope and watch the girls outside for a bit.

I was able to bend my knee quite a bit more today so that was good. And the wake up calf and knee pain was less than it has been. I'm still really tired though--part of the healing? result of not great sleep because of the brace? Not sure.

That's it for today. I'm going to watch Girls and Homeland while they're out!

Here is Keith and myself on our wedding day:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 7

Well, getting a shower yesterday was an endeavor, but it's done and I'm clean. I have to, according to my doctor, get in the shower, then take off brace and dressing, shower, pat the incisions dry, then reapply bandage and brace, then get out. He suggested a shower chair. Keith drove to 4 different stores today to find something appropriate in addition to work, kids and home duty. But we did it!

Better sleeping in brace but still not totally comfortable. My leg was sorer also. When I get up off the bed or couch, my calf and hamstring immediately ache and blood rushes to the foot. Eventually it feels better but takes a few moments.

First PT today! My physical therapist is Jodi. She started with measurements. Total extension (straight leg!) and a measly 54 degrees flexion (bend of knee.) Not a surprise as I've been in a splint and brace and not allowed to do flex exercises. She said my goals in the next 7 to 10 days:

1. 90 degree flex
2. weight bearing totally on leg
3. ditch crutches.

In addition to the exercises I'd been doing she massaged then showed me how to massage my incision areas to reduce scar tissue. She had me doing heel slides with a towel. She added lying on my stomach in addition to both sides and back for doing straight leg. That was much harder than the normal raises! We did all that. Additionally my print out shows a few more exercises. I am supposed to do all of them twice a day, about 20 reps each. She gave me a bunch of stretches for my calf, which is good since it keeps hurting. I wonder if I can do more than twice a day? I don't want to overdue but also, I'm home here all day, so I'd be happy to do a little more.

Oh, also learned the doctor said my hamstring was "spindly!" He could only get 3 as opposed 4 strands to use in the ACL, but that still made the 8 mm width.

Icing in cryocuff now. I can sit up more now, but tend to lie and ice when not moving around as there is still some swelling.

Here is a  pic of my exercise list.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 6 - First Post Op Appt

Today was my first post op with my surgeon, Dr. Bradley Butkovich, and goodbye itchy splint. Hello big, bulky, locked straight brace. Interesting I've found articles both for and against locked braces after ACL surgery. The benefits are supposed to be less effusion and greater knee extension. Here's an article for anyone interested:

So I have to wear it almost 24 x 7. BUT I can take it off to shower. Quite a process that I hope to try tonight. Step in shower. Remove brace. Remove bandage. Shower. Pat area dry. Replace Bandage. Replace Brace. Out of Shower.

Also, I can take off for PT and as advised, by the PT folks, for exercises.  And it is open so it breathes as opposed to the splint.

Now I do not need to be elevated and icing all day. He recommended 3-4 times and as needed (ie after PT, exercises.) So I will do some chair sitting.

In other good news, no need to elevate at night anymore. Thank the Lord!!!

He did say I had to use my crutches. Blah. Not to bear wear weight but in case of slippage.

I also saw pics of the inside of my knee before and after ACL surgery. Interesting.  And I learned I have small hamstrings so he could only take 3 as opposed to 4 strands, but that still got him the required 8 mm. In the surgery, if that didn't work, he did have the graft from a dead person if required--he would have checked with Keith first--interesting.

Tomorrow is my first PT! I know it'll hurt but will be nice to move forward.

So that's the latest and greatest.

My new brace. 

My sutures. As a note, the entire knee and leg doesn't look too bad.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 5...more of the same, but better

By then end of yesterday, I needed my crutches as my knee felt "heavy" and "big,"- likely due to increased motion around the house plus more exercises. Still, made it upstairs with crutch and legs.

Better sleep but am hating this splint and bandages. Not all doctors do the brace/splint 24x7 after surgery but mine did. A bit nervous to see what it looks like underneath! Hard to sleep with a leg sticking out and not being able to move position. I did better last night, but that does not equate good. Tomorrow is my first op and hoping that leads to better sleep.

Today my calf and hamstring are not as tight and the knee, so far, is less heavy. The kids are at school and Keith at work until 1:00 so my day has been: do exercises, ice and raise leg, do some minor chores around downstairs, ice and raise leg. Thank God the fish tank is near me to watch! I'm pretending I'm snorkeling--ha ha ha.

As for meds, I'm taking 1 Tylenol Extra Strength every 6 hours during the day and 2 before bed. 5 total. Plus an aspirin in morning and night to reduce blood clot potential. Actually, I haven't had a Tylenol in 7 hours and may wait a bit longer as there is not major pain.

Keith just got home and is making me lunch. I have to confess I've had the best lunches this past week--he's the cook in our family and makes fabulous dinners and now I'm getting his lunches too! A perk of all this (you have to look for one!). Another perk--I snuggled with Hope while watching Curious George this morning. Normally I'd be running around doing all the morning "stuff."

So here's a picture of my view when doing leg exercises:

Monday, October 14, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 4 - Crutchless (sometimes)

So last night I moved back to my bedroom. I made it up the stairs with a crutch and handrail--that was a workout! Sleep went better, but not great. It wasn't the pain but just sleeping with a straight leg that is raised is extremely uncomfortable. I kept wanting to roll over but of course couldn't. But I slept some and in the morning was able to walk to the bathroom without crutches.

That's the good news-I've been walking around, albeitl slowly, without the crutches! I need to be careful, of course but it feels good to get around.

These bandages are so itchy though!

I called the doctor about my calf soreness yesterday and the on call guy was not a lot of help. He said it was my decision if I thought it was a blood clot. He then said if it wasn't getting worse (the pain) and went away when I raised it and it mainly was sore when I was being active then it sounded exercise related. But he couldn't tell me what to do. Stupid liability fears! Anyway I chose to listen to my body which feels like the calf is just sore due to all the stress being put on it.

I feel like I am living my youngest daughter Hope's Scaredy Squirrel book. In it, the squirrel has the same schedule throughout the day. Eat a nut. Look at view. Take a nap.  Mine is Do Exercises. Walk around. Raise and ice leg. Read or watch show. Repeat. It gets boring. And I feel guilty because Keith is racing around doing all the house and kid work while still doing getting some work work done. I can tell his is stressed while it looks like I'm just living the high life lying on the couch. I know he doesn't think that way but I feel a little like that. But I also know I have to gain my strength and not push too hard.

Here are some pics from my view while on the couch:

Hope's bunk bed creation for her animals.

Keith working on our salt water tank.

Grace working on homework.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

ACL Surgery Post Op Day 3

Well, last night was not as wonderful as the night before. Combine a change from Percocet to Tylenol and exercises throughout the day=sore knee, thigh and calf. And the calf worried me a bit as a sore calf can mean blood clots, but Keith reminded me I've had surgery to the knee and done exercises that affect the whole leg. At any rate, I would sleep 1/2 hour to 1 hour then lie awake. I considered taking a Percocet but then decided I'd rather be off of them and their side effects. Ah well. I still managed to get washed, dressed and MOVED today. I moved from the guest room to downstairs for the day (made it via sitting down) and will go up to our room for bed. The guest room was convenient as it had a tv and bathroom within 2 feet, but now I'm more mobile. I moved around quite a bit this morning and did my first set of exercises:
10 quad tighteners
10 straight leg lifts
10 side leg lifts
I also did some sit ups and twists for my abs.  I will try do this several more times today in addition to moving around more. Then icing and raising leg in between. Exciting days!

The girls are being good and helping out but I have very active and loud girls so being around them when not feeling up to par can be quite tiring. I like hearing them and talking to them, but then need some down time. I've been surprised by how tired I am when I'm mainly lying around. Everything takes such effort and wears me out. Keith says that's my body recovering from major surgery.

The downstairs looks great--Keith does an amazing job of taking care of the kids, house and me! My main job is to still oversee homework--mainly making sure Grace remembers to do hers despite the fact it's a 4 day weekend. Even kindergarten Hope has hers to do! Keith is taking Hope to Sesame Street Live today and both of them to the Y later. It's a rainy day so no outdoor play for them.

I'm not sure how much I should/shouldn't be able to do now but I'm doing more than I thought I would.  I'd like to walk a little more comfortably. I can do some walking without the crutches but I get nervous.

 My friend the ice machine.

My friend and lovely daughter Grace and the picture she made me.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

ACL Post Op Day 2: A Shower and Coffee

Last night I enjoyed a great night's sleep--woo hoo! I took one Percocet every 4 hours and hope to go off to Tylenol today. This morning I washed in the bathroom, washed my hair in the sink on my own and put on contacts. Ah, the little victories of life. I also got on the floor and did my quad contractions and straight leg raises. I'm not sure if there is anything else I can or should do with the brace now so I'm keeping to just these exercises that 4 times a day along with getting up and moving some more. Also did some sit ups. I'm hungry and have my appetite back so that's good. But, I have to confess, I worry about gaining weight since I'm not burning off calories as normal. I realize my number one thought should be my knee and not my weight, but hey that's obsessive me. So last night Keith tortured me by drinking a pinot noir in front of me! No alcohol til I'm off my drugs! I'm jumping around with my thoughts right now and slightly concerned as calf is sore and I've read that could be blood clots, however, as Keith pointed out, it is likely sore from the position I have to keep it in.  So today should be more of the same--exercises, rest, ice, watch some videos and make sure Grace does her homework! Maybe I'll move on downstairs tomorrow--although it's nice in my sanctuary in the guest suite!

Friday, October 11, 2013

ACL Post Op Day 1: Ouch

So I spent the first 10 hours after getting home eating a little, sleeping and watching shows. I felt relatively good. As of now, I still, thankfully, have not experienced nausea nor major dizziness associated with Percocet. However, as the femur block wore off, nighttime got more painful. First of all, my heel really hurt as it's sitting on top of the pillows with all the pressure on it. Secondly, lying down with leg (not knee!) propped on pillows= mega uncomfortable. Thirdly, hips, back and all else get sore. And then comes the knee and hamstring. Ow ow ow. I started with just 1 percoocet every 4 hours because I hate meds. However, the directions said you could take two. I was feeling pain level 7 by morning so I upped it to 2 and now am way more comfortable. I've also been able to use crutches, with Keith spotting me, to get to the bathroom. Sitting down on the toilet (sorry to be graphic) is not so easy though--try it with a straight leg that's in pain!!!  My little one came home from her sleepover. Hope's first sleepover--not much sleep! Happy to see her and she loves my ice machine.

Keith is a fabulous nurse. He slept on a mattress on the floor so as not to disturb my leg, woke up every other hour to either get me meds, crackers, help me to the bathroom or refill the ice. This morning he made me a super smoothie to help me recover. I'm doing some quad strengtheners and heel circles. Things look more positive when pain is under control! Now waiting for Grace to come home. Praying she brought all her homework and books needed as it's a 4 day weekend. Great student, but sometimes forgets things and now I can't just run back to help her!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

ACL Surgery Day: Back at Home

Short post. Surgery was at 830 am. I was home by 1:30. No meniscus damage! I remember nothing after the valium or whatever was put in my IV to calm me before the femur block. I don't remember the shot for the block at all. Woke up, had some ginger and was off and running. Ha Ha. Wheeling. Wheeled to the car. At home, my strong leg, a wheeled computer chair, and Keith helped me get across the house then my arms pulled me backwards up the stairs while Keith held my leg. Ate a light lunch soup, took a Percocet and slept. Cryo cuff chugging away and icing beneath the brace. Luckily we brought it with us--apparently we were supposed to so they could place it under the brace! No feeling in leg yet except hamstring is sore. Jewelry back on. :)  Kids at friends' overnight so it's date night here. Aren't I so funny on my Percocet? Later! I've read the hardest days are next...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Does This Mean I'm an Athlete?

Lindsay Vaughn. Tiger Woods. Peyton Manning. My husband, Keith, now says I have something in common with all of them. I'm not a professional athlete. I'm not famous. But just like them I tore my ACL! Lucky me.I'm trying to be funny about it, but it's no joke. I tore my anterior cruciate ligament, the ligament that keeps you knee stable just under two weeks ago. Before that I'd never heard of the ACL. Now, I did do it playing athletic sport like the above folks, but my sport is tennis. Just a couple tennis games a week, something I do that I love. I ran, I twisted, I fell. AND I missed the shot. Completely. I just ran for it to look like I was really trying. And this is where it got me.
I felt a twist but don't remember a pop. And it hurt a lot at first, but then I thought it was okay, because I was able to walk around. But then when the knee started giving out and this freaked me out! Later in the day, My husband took me to the emergency room and they said it was just a sprain. Still it did not feel right. My lesson learned--when it's your knee, go to a specialist to be sure. I was lucky enough to get into an orthopedic surgeon the next day and he said it definitely seem like an ACL tear, and ordered an MRI. Had that done that day and on Monday the news was official. I torn my ACL.
I was extremely upset to hear the news because I couldn’t imagine and I still can't imagine how I'm going to be able to keep up with my current lifestyle. I may not be a famous athlete, but I use my legs a lot. I'm a stay at home mom who needs to run around after her kids, haul them to other different events, cheer them on, work with them on their homework, & find to get around to do all the errands in addition to working out every day, which I love to do. We had camping on the schedule, a visit from a good friend, field trips that had to be cancelled. Because of me!However, I am trying to be positive. I'm lucky that there is something that can be done. I opted to for the surgery because I do want to run, play tennis, and in general not be scared of my knee giving out just walking through the rest my life. Am I nervous about Tomorrow? Duh-as my kids would say. Of Course! I've never been under before and certainly am not looking forward to the after pain or the drugs. I hate the idea of being drugged up, but also don't feel like writhing (this week's vocab word from Grace) in pain. But also I feel lucky that I have a terrific husband, kids and friends to help care for me – which is hard for me to accept but I have to!!!- and lucky that there's some great health care out there and I have access to it.

So, my days as a helicopter, on the run mom who is also a gym rat will have to stop--for now--but I'll work on getting back.  We’ll see what I’m like as a person who cannot be running around.  Starting tomorrow...will let you know....